Re-imagining Church Leadership in 2020s

Re-imagining Church Leadership in 2020s

I had the pleasure of being invited to hold a session at the Praxis 2018 gathering in Philadelphia, put on by the growing church planting movement V3. The theme of the entire conference centered around a much needed conversation on re-imagining leadership. Little did...

Does Preaching Still Work? Preaching in Missional Church

Does a Post-Christendom World Care for 40 Minute Opinions Expositions? Updated May 7th, 2018; Updated February 20th, 2010.  Some churchgoers think that the sign of a good church is the quality of the preaching. I’ve heard, “there’s no community to...
Defining Missional – Mission for the Church

Defining Missional – Mission for the Church

This is a post I wrote 3 years ago that I’ve since revamped and reposted. Is a suitable definition for the word “missional”? Contemporary churches like to jump on fads to find the next thing that will help usher in incremental changes that retain the...
Only the White Church is Declining

Only the White Church is Declining

Just finished my book that’s now in the hands of the editor. I’m aiming squarely at the lost heritage of the church, and how we cope. So far, not well. Yet I believe post-Christendom is a great opportunity for the church, but only if we make the right...
Why Events Are No Longer Attractional Forces for Churches

Why Events Are No Longer Attractional Forces for Churches

The vast majority of churches in the West rely on their central Sunday morning service as the foundation of the community. If the service stopped, most of the community would disperse for another service somewhere else. How many people would remain together would be...