What the ‘Billy Graham Rule’ Says About Leaders

Originally posted in April 2017 and reposted. The Billy Graham rule is sexist. Full stop. And reveals deeply seated problems in evangelical formation surrounding patriarchy and the devaluing of women. The United States Vice-President Mike Pence, is in the middle of a...
Calling is Like the Sorting Hat

Calling is Like the Sorting Hat

What is your calling in life? That question can stump a lot of people. Some have tricks and tips to confirm their path. Others will sit and wait for the “voice” of God before moving. Christian calling is kind of like the Sorting Hat in Harry Potter. If you...
Challenges Leading Change in Large Churches

Challenges Leading Change in Large Churches

Pastors often ask me for ways to re-imagine and lead change in declining congregations. They’ll ask something along the lines of, “how do you get people to do, X, Y, or Z?” Be it how to build multi-ethnic communities, realize better discipleship, or...
Re-imagining Church Leadership in 2020s

Re-imagining Church Leadership in 2020s

I had the pleasure of being invited to hold a session at the Praxis 2018 gathering in Philadelphia, put on by the growing church planting movement V3. The theme of the entire conference centered around a much needed conversation on re-imagining leadership. Little did...
The Future of Ministry is Bi-Vocational

The Future of Ministry is Bi-Vocational

Bi-vocationalism means having different sources of income rather than one single job. 4 years ago I wrote this blog post on the topic challenging the notion that ministry should be full-time work (proponents are largely unaware what a privilege full-time ministry...
Only the White Church is Declining

Only the White Church is Declining

Just finished my book that’s now in the hands of the editor. I’m aiming squarely at the lost heritage of the church, and how we cope. So far, not well. Yet I believe post-Christendom is a great opportunity for the church, but only if we make the right...