The Missional Movement is Overwhelmingly White

    The Missional Movement is Overwhelmingly White

    Written in June, 2019. Updated. While finishing my book (e-book only $2.99!) Thrive, the bibliography reminded me of overwhelming lack of representation in the movement. At one point there were ZERO authors of color in the list. There was one woman. In fact, despite...

    3 Ways Churches Fake Success

    Originally posted in 2015 and updated. The church in North America has lost profound influence over the past 50 years. That’s no longer a surprise to leaders. Despite watching the slow decline unfold leaders have either ignored the shift, or at best made attempt...
    Today’s Church Growth Expectations in Numbers

    Today’s Church Growth Expectations in Numbers

    If I asked you to give me a number of how much your church should grow every year what would you say? 1%? 5%? 10%? Ever since church leaders noticed they were losing more people than gaining, we have been on the prowl for the next solution to aid in church growth....
    Why Don’t Church Planters Collaborate?

    Why Don’t Church Planters Collaborate?

    What would it look like if we built church planters and leaders to join existing churches in the neighborhood regardless of affiliation? *Originally posted in 2015, edited, and reposted.* I remember when I started my first church plant in 2009. Within a couple of...
    Re-imagining Church Leadership in 2020s

    Re-imagining Church Leadership in 2020s

    I had the pleasure of being invited to hold a session at the Praxis 2018 gathering in Philadelphia, put on by the growing church planting movement V3. The theme of the entire conference centered around a much needed conversation on re-imagining leadership. Little did...