2 Ways to Build Church Planting Movements

2 Ways to Build Church Planting Movements

There are two main threats to church plants: money and people. Running out of both produces inevitable demise. The answer to both, ironically, simultaneously answers a question on how to produce replicating planting movements. If I said there are one of two ways for a...
Ways Church Planting Strategies are Changing

Ways Church Planting Strategies are Changing

For most institutions, the extent of their church planting know-how amounts to “have a service and they will come”. A tactic that starts in skinny jeans and ends in a soft-launch. Which is fine, but denominations can’t all be using the same strategy....
Why Don’t Church Planters Collaborate?

Why Don’t Church Planters Collaborate?

What would it look like if we built church planters and leaders to join existing churches in the neighborhood regardless of affiliation? *Originally posted in 2015, edited, and reposted.* I remember when I started my first church plant in 2009. Within a couple of...
The Church That “Non-Christians” Call Home

The Church That “Non-Christians” Call Home

The recent church plant I co-planted called Cypher Church, is nearing the one-year anniversary mark. Long story short, the ride thus far has been incredible. We’re talking early church kind of incredible! Our first service last February was an Spirit encounter...