My book “Thrive” made the Top 10 Recommended Books on Church Planting from the Send Institute. They build denominational leaders into new ways of thinking on church planting. SEND operates out of Wheaton College, connected to one of the largest evangelical denominations around. I hope Thrive becomes widely read for up-and-coming planters.
It was also neat to see how the list looked this year. It’s unlike previous years. More minority authors, women, and a Canadian (me :P). Shout out Daniel Yang for the mention. It means a lot to an indie publication like mine to make such a list, especially since I wasn’t focussed on writing a book purely on church planting. That’s how Thrive started out mind you, but it changed over the 3 years I took to write it. The final version was devoted more to leaders of any kind looking to re-imagine faith in a shifting culture.