As 2025 begins, with capitalism entering its late stages and governing parties across the globe (and specifically in North America) favouring right-wing populism, now is the moment to revisit what we stand for that in turn helps shape where we put our precious and limited energy….
10 Thoughts to Help Shape and Hold our Values
*Of note, please pick and choose what works for you. I’ve tried to keep in mind various intersections and the systemic challenges they hold.
A simple way to describe a value is: what (who) do I show up for?
- Are you good? This is a reflection to simply ask yourself, “am I OK?” Before we show up in the world, we must first show up for ourselves. That takes introspective work and some skills in naming what’s going on in our body. That’s physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. Are you good? Are you well? And what items do you need to help you along the way? That might be health realted, therapy, or pragmatic like money, community, etc. You can add a value here right away.
- After you look within, do scan to see who’s in your immediate vicinity. Who’s in your life? Partner, family, friends, network, neighborhood, community. How are you showing up fort them AND how are those around you showing up for you? Are there any people where you’ve been doing the bulk of relational work in an unhealthy way? I’m not suggesting all relationships are supposed to be 50/50. But I am saying that some detract from the fullness of who we can be, and those relationships may be questioned in order to strengthen them or discard.
- Who are your people? Find them and hang on to them. I earnestly believe that community must be intersectional. That means we cannot surround ourselves in sameness (like how most churches operate). We need diverse spaces to exist. But we also need safe spaces to thrive. So there are levels of community that take different levels of our energy. Knowing your values will help describe who are your people (those that share your values). Having those healthy boundaries mentioned above will in turn help discern spaces that are not necessarily conflict free, but reflect your values. For me, the values of love for one another, collective liberation, and mutuality.
- Who are not your people? Time to cut ties, reduce time, and without apology discard abusive relationships from people who detract from the pursuit of your values and total liberation.
Note: you may have noticed we haven’t said anything specifically on ‘how to create values’ yet. I think there’s no point in doing a value set if YOU’re not OK. And having community surrounding you is critical. Now…
- How do you want to be remembered and for what? We can take this out of past tense and legacy language and make it more active. What do you want to be known for? As a champion for justice? To curate healthy spaces for like-minded folks? Which cause specifically? If you don’t know at the top of your head then ask, What am I already doing that can be affirmed (oftentimes we don’t need to reinvent the wheel)?
- What cause will show up for in public? To quote Cornel West, “justice is what love looks like in public.” You may be someone who does not have a particular ‘cause’ to be public with. Some are content being a loyal widget in the machine of capitalism, but I’m willing to bet most of us in the least have asked, “is this all there is?” For folks on the margins of society you know well the saying, “none of us are free until all of us are free.” The notion of righting systemic injustices becomes a value for many because of this lived truth. So what is it for you? What do you stand for in public? Doesn’t have to be many things. Free Palestine? Enhanced COVID health policies? Increasing taxation on billionaires? Land Back? Creation care?
- What is my care plan when the shit hits the fan? Invariably, things out of our control will fall into our lap and we’ll have to take a break. I was working on building a creators cohort recently and when the November election came it completely derailed our efforts. We had to take a step back and just pause cause there was not way to move forward when folks were not OK. Having a plan to care for ourselves as a routine will be necessary. Consider it a necessary rhythm of self-care. Not just the capitalist idea of what self-care looks like, but earnest pause that reconnects our personhood and bodies to our roots, values, and safe people.
- Consumption matters because we have limited energy to share. Where you put that energy matters. As social media shifts and changes on the daily, interrogate your relationship with the various apps. What brings life, and what does not? Cut what does not. Be shrewed with what can be leveraged to expand your message and find your people. Eliminate doom-scrolling, but don’t chide yourself if you need to dissociate down the rabbit hole of self-care memes and sourdough starters.
- Where will you spend your resource on? That could be time or money. Politically your vote matters, but even more importantly (in many ways), where you spend your dollars. How does your spending match your ethics and values? I’m having a tough time now with various tech/social media companies. It will cost me, but I can’t keep pretending using certain tools doesn’t matter. I also know where I choose to spend my money, regardless of cost or convenience, matters. Of course, I can afford to make these changes, so I will, and I won’t bemoan those who don’t/can’t. But I’ve cancelled my Prime (OK, I’ve never actually paid for Prime); am moving away from Meta; supporting independent journalists; never shopping at Walmart; buying groceries from a coop; etc.
- How will you continue to learn? I guess this is a value of mine and if it’s not for you then it may be not be applicable. But constantly learning keeps you on top of the rapid shifts in our world, but it also opens the door to build your skill sets. Both for your self but also to enhance development. For me, maybe writing courses, social engagement workshops, and working to pass along my expertise to the next gen.
- What brings joy? If joy is not a value then add it. Joy is resistance to all that ain’t right in the world. Particularly for folks who need to hustle on the daily. Joy counters the hustle. Find your range of joy from the simple and mundane to the special and triumphant.
- Write down your values, virtues, goals, and hopes. This is to help name what makes you you, helps with accountability (remembering), but not to shackle or shame. For me:
- Show up with love for my spouse and chosen family.
- When given the choice opt for collective liberation and mutuality in community.
- Seek moments to build deeper community with like-minded creators bent on collective liberation and mutuality.
- Show and ethic for justice that counters various systems that enrich some at the expense of marginalized bodies.
- I want to know my own authentic and liberated self more.
What do your values in 2025 and beyond look like?