Every episode begins with two questions: where are you situated (the traditional lands on which you dwell), and who are your people. Patty is located in the Niagara region which is Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territory. Listen as she shares a marvellous story about finding her people. Her book Becoming Kin is part memoire describing her journey to find her people and what it means to be a good relative. From discovering her people–Ojibwae Anishinaabe–through on her father’s side, to navigating her childhood brought up different in a ‘typical’ Canadian Ukrainian household.

    After the intro, our conversation takes a turn into making sense of identity as multi-ethnic/bi-racial human and what it means to be among your people. We then the process of growing up in white evangelicalism and growing out of old Christian formation. We touch on the legacy of Christian mission and colonization and why finding your people and your identity is important to press back against white hegemony. Even white folks!  That will end part 1 before we join part 2 in progress that will discuss Patty’s book in greater depth.

    About Patty: Through writing and podcasting Patty Krawec (Anishinaabe/Ukranian) explores how we might live differently in the relationships we inherit. She is a co-founder of the Nii’kinaaganaa Foundation and her book, Becoming Kin: An Indigenous Call to Unforgetting the Past and Reimagining Our Future was published in September by Broadleaf Books. Krawec lives on Twitter as @gindaanis. Find her online at daanis.ca


    Patty Krawec podcast and rohadi
    Faith in a Fresh Vibe
    #56 - Patty Krawec on Becoming Kin and Finding Your Identity (Part 1)