After three long years my second book (actually the first) is done and available wherever books are sold!
Visit my book page for details on ordering.
In this age of publishing, more and more authors are controlling their properties rather than giving them away to publishers (not necessarily a bad thing), or worse, sending readers directly to Amazon. Although my book is available on the dreaded Amazon, I encourage you to purchase direct from me when possible. All electronic versions can be purchased in my shop. Also, Canadians can get a physical copy through the shop. Unfortunately, for my American friends, shipping is expensive so you’ll have to order online, or ask your local bookshop to carry a few copies.
What’s “Thrive” About?
Most books on church planting, development, leadership, innovation, revitalization, et al., rely on a false premise. In order for the church to succeed in the face of decline it needs to recover a position of privilege. We strive to re-attract culture back to a familiar place–the center of cultural attention otherwise known as Christendom.
But my assertion is we will never return to the centre of cultural power. We have to figure out ways to thrive in our new place, on the margins of culture. We need new skills to act as church from a decentralized position, no longer from a posture of domination.
“Thrive. Ideas to lead the church in post-Christendom.” provides overview, foundation, ideas, and application on ways leaders can adjust to the shifting culture in the West. This shift starts with you. What are the dreams and ideas you have picturing better in your neighborhood, city and beyond? How can you turn that picture real? Come along for the ride as you learn how in Thrive.
There are 5 parts in the book. The first looks at the current problem and how the church wound up on the margins. The second revisits the vital foundation for the church today, namely our call to join mission. Thirdly, we engage how to turn the ideas to lead change reality. This includes an exploration on movements in a post-Christian context. Fourth, enemies and roadblocks always emerge and we need to be aware of them and ascertain skills to overcome. Lastly, part five talks about the end result, the reward for all of the work turning dreams real. No spoilers, but it’s not a reward you may think.
Once you pick up a copy, please don’t hesitate to connect and lend me your thoughts. Of course, as with every indie publication, let as many people know about the book as you can!
On Writing
I learned a lot writing this “Thrive.”, namely, how not to write a book :P. It went through 3 major re-writes since 2015, and too many drafts. Two editors went through it, one publishing house took a long look, friends and family offered their views, and the central concept shifted in the final re-write. At the end, I’m pleased with this book. I hope you will be too.
Initially, “Thrive.” was called, “Adventures to Save the Dying Church.” The idea was to lead the reader through the hero’s journey, using their “problem” of a stagnant church, propelling them through necessary change to emerge triumphant at the end. The format is something you’d see in most fiction narratives. It was a unique idea to apply it in a non-fiction format. Ultimately, the metaphor didn’t work (much to my chagrin). Nonetheless, a better, more concise book has emerged as a result.
I mentioned one publisher took a look at the manuscript, but ultimately passed. I didn’t want to shop it around for too long (the process to find a publisher can take years). I decided to self-publish (or technically publish under my own imprint) and jumped through the hoops to make it happen. I had some experience from the Soul Coats project. “Thrive.” had a few more levels particularly with editing. This process took about six months to complete, with the book done probably last Summer. That’s a quick turnaround for a book project. Most take over a year from end of writing to bookshelf.
That’s a bit of the history about this project. There will always be more that could’ve been done for the book, but ultimately these projects need to be “shipped” to the world. Artists and writers tend to succumb to perfectionism and wind up never putting anything out. Producing is part of the expectation as a writer. For me, may it not be 3 more years until the next one comes!
In the meantime, give this book a read, I know you’ll find important ideas within.